Genesta Attending MIPIM 2025
Genesta will be attending MIPIM in Cannes this March, one of the leading real estate events bringing together industry professionals from around the world.

Genesta will be attending MIPIM in Cannes this March, one of the leading real estate events bringing together industry professionals from around the world.
The Nordics are more liquid than many of us think, outpacing major markets like Germany and France. So why does this misconception persist? Let’s look at the data.
Genesta is pleased to announce the appointment of Niko Heikkinen as the new Investment Manager of The Väinö House. This leadership transition follows Marja Liisa Suutarinen’s decision to gradually shift her focus towards Voimatalo, Genesta's newest downtown development.
Niko Heikkinen aloittaa Väinön uutena Investment Managerina, Marja Liisa Suutarisen siirtäessä fokustaan Genestan uusimpaan kehityshankkeeseen Voimataloon.
Is Kista investable? We do not think so.
Shaping the Future of Real EstateThe real estate sector is at the center of a rapidly evolving landscape driven by environmental, social, and governance (ESG) priorities. These trends aren’t just buzzwords—they’re reshaping how we create value. At Genesta, we see these challenges as opportunities to innovate, balance risk, and deliver long-term returns for our investors while fostering sustainable, modern workspaces for our tenants.
The first shovel has hit the ground for the expansion of Husqvarna's logistics facility in Stigamo, Jönköping. The project, which adds 35,000 square meters of state-of-the-art space —equivalent to nearly five football fields— will make the existed building to one of the region’s largest and most modern logistics properties.
On October 10, the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) results were announced, and we are proud to share the significant achievements of Genesta’s funds.
Genesta’s dedication to drive sustainability in the real estate sector has gained international recognition: we are proud to announce thats Genesta is invited to the prestigious United Nations Private Sector Forum (PSF). This exclusive event is held during the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA79) in New York City
Genesta has signed a lease agreement with the audit and consulting company Powered By for space in its office building Public, located in Ørestad, Copenhagen. The new tenant occupies 664 square meters on the 18th floor in the tower of the office building.
The office building Art8n in central Stockholm has achieved the esteemed BREEAM In-Use certification at the Excellent level. Earning this certification involved a series of strategic upgrades and initiatives, all aimed at optimizing the building's energy efficiency and supporting sustainable practices.
Genesta has signed a new lease agreement with Waterland in the landmark office property Public in Copenhagen. Over the summer, Waterland relocated its Danish headquarters within the same property but into new premises.
Genesta has signed lease agreement with Nokia in its landmark office property, Public in Copenhagen. The global telecommunications company has established its Danish headquarters in the tower of the building.
Enköping Logistikcenter has been certified according to the BREEAM-SE environmental certification system at the Excellent level.
The expansion will bring the total leasable area of the logistics property to over 80,000 square meters.
Genesta takes another step towards sustainable energy practices with the installation of a 1 MW solar power system on two logistics properties in Brunna, Stockholm. This initiative, expected to generate 750,000 kWh of renewable energy annually, underscores our commitment to significantly reducing our properties' carbon footprint.
Genesta iloitsee menestyksestään KTI:n viimeisimmässä asiakastyytyväisyysvertailussa, joka tarjoaa syvällisen katsauksen vuokralaisten kokemuksiin ja mielipiteisiin. Tutkimustulosten mukaan Roihun ja Väinön vuokralaiset ovat erityisen tyytyväisiä tiloihin ja talon ylläpitopalveluihin, tämä kuvastaa Genestan sitoutumista tarjota korkealaatuisia tiloja ja asiakaslähtöistä palvelua.
Genesta is excited to unveil its latest Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report for 2023, showcasing the company's commitment to sustainable practices and responsible investment.
Transformationen är i full gång, och i slutet av 2025 kan de första hyresgästerna flytta in i det nya kontorskvarteret Zinko.
Anna Pihlajaniemi on nimitetty Head of Investment Management Finland -rooliin. Tämän tehtävän rinnalla hän on mukana Genestan Investor Relations and Business Development -tiimissä kehittämässä liiketoimintaa ja ylläpitämässä sijoittajasuhteita.
We are thrilled to announce the exceptional progress of our GNRE Core Plus Open-Ended fund, which has achieved a Taxonomy alignment of 68.2%, covering the share of the market value of Taxonomy-aligned real estate assets over the total market value of the real estate assets. This achievement is a result of our unwavering commitment and strategic focus on ESG matters.
Genesta has embraced the European Union’s initiative to establish a transparent framework within the financial sector. While acknowledging the merits of the current framework, we also recognize its limitations and understand that new measures may be necessary to address evolving challenges and emerging opportunities in sustainable investments.
Genestas kontorsfastighet på Hornsgatan byggs ut och moderniseras.
Genesta is pleased to announce the acquisition of a 101,000 sqm logistics property in Västerås, through an off-market transaction with ICA Real Estate. The property houses ICA's central warehouse and as a part of the transaction ICA Real Estate has signed a 15-year lease agreement with Genesta.
We are pleased to announce that Genesta receives a four-star rating from GRESB for its fund GNRE II. The fund reached 87 points (out of 100), marking a 7-point increase from the previous year.
Genesta further expands its logistics portfolio with the acquisition of a 20,600 sqm logistics property under construction in Solrød, 25 minutes south of Copenhagen. It is an off-market transaction with Logistic Contractor A/S, part of the Wästbygg Group. Genesta will be responsible for leasing out the premises to 1-2 tenants. This marks Genesta's sixth logistics acquisition in the past two years.
Genesta tar ytterligare steg in i framtidens hållbara energilösningar och satsar på fastighetsbatterier vid flera av sina fastigheter. I samarbete med energibolaget Stockholm Exergi ska Genesta med den innovativa batterilösningen bidra till att balansera elsystemet.
Genesta has acquired an office property located in Helsinki's dynamic Kamppi district from Schroder Real Estate KVG. The property has a total lettable area of approximately 9,300 square meters and is currently multi-let to 13 tenants. This strategic acquisition marks the sixth investment made on behalf of Genesta's value-add fund, GNRE Fund III, which was launched in 2019.
Genesta on ostanut Schroder Real Estate KVG:ltä Helsingin Kampissa sijaitsevan toimistokiinteistön. Kiinteistön vuokrattava kokonaispinta-ala on yhteensä noin 9300 neliömetriä ja kiinteistö on tällä hetkellä vuokrattuna 13 vuokralaiselle. Tämä kohde on kuudes hankinta Genestan vuonna 2019 lanseeraaman GNRE Fund III value-add rahastoon.
In mid-June, Genesta organized a topping-out ceremony to celebrate a significant milestone in the construction of our 80,000 square meter warehouse and logistics property, Enköping Logistikcenter.
Genesta is thrilled to announce the outstanding achievement of its Finnish flagship property, Roihu, with the finalization of its highly successful leasing program. Despite recent market challenges, Genesta has demonstrated its unwavering dedication, securing leases for 13,773 square meters of premium office and retail space, igniting a new wave of growth and opportunity.
Genesta has signed an agreement to acquire a high-quality logistics property from Infrahubs. The property, completed in the end of 2022, is located along the E4 motorway in Jönköping. The total lettable area is circa 45,700 square meters and fully leased to Husqvarna with a long-term agreement. The acquisition is the sixth investment on behalf of Genesta's fifth fund GNRE Core Plus Open Ended, launched in 2021.
Genesta sells the office property Svea Artilleri in central Stockholm on behalf of its fund GNRE Fund II. The approximately 13,300 square meter building on Löjtnantsgatan 17-25 was acquired in May 2018 and the property has since undergone extensive renovation and expanded with 700 square meters.
Vi skulle vilja dela med oss denna ögonblicksbild från tomten där Enköping Logistikcenter nu poppar upp ur marken. Utvecklingen fortskrider enligt schemat och i enlighet med planen om att kunna öppna dörrarna till våra nya hyresgäster under Q4 2023. Det blir spännande att följa med!
The office property KB32 in Copenhagen is one of four nominees in the category "Best Refurbished Building" in this year's MIPIM Awards.
Familjeläkarna rullar ut röda mattan till sin nya, moderna mottagning i Arninge Centrum i Täby kommun idag. Den populära vårdcentralen gör det nya hälsohuset i Arninge Centrum snart komplett.
With love from all of us at Genesta Property Nordic, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Genesta tecknar nya hyresavtal på sammanlagt 1 659 kvadratmeter i kontorsfastigheten Filmstaden 23 i Råsunda, Stockholm.
Torsdagen 20 oktober togs det första symboliska spadtaget för Enköping Logistikcenter. Den 80 000 kvadratmeter stora fastigheten byggs med fokus på miljön och människorna som ska jobba där. Utvecklingen sker i samarbete med Logistic Contractor som ingår i Wästbygg Gruppen AB.
Genesta har tecknat hyresavtal med nya hyresgäster i Svea Artilleri, däribland medicinteknikbolaget Tobii Dynavox som signerat ett 10-årskontrakt. Företaget som är världsledande på kommunikationshjälpmedel och noterat på Nasdaq Stockholm, flyttar in i drygt 1 300 nyrenoverade kvadratmeter nästa sommar.
Genesta sells its part of the retail park Solåsen Handel in Jönköping, Sweden on behalf of the fund, GNRE Core Plus, to Niam.
Europas största hemelektronikkedja MediaMarkt har stor tro på Genestas handelsområde Solåsen Handel i Jönköping. Idag rullas röda mattan ut till kedjans modernaste varuhus hittills.
Genesta has signed a lease agreement with to the Roihu property in Ruoholahti. Fiksuruoka, a Finnish food waste online store, will move to its new premises when the renovation is completed in November 2022.
Genesta on allekirjoittanut suomalaislähtöisen hävikkiruoan verkkokaupan kanssa vuokrasopimuksen Ruoholahdessa sijaitsevaan Roihu-kiinteistöön. Fiksuruoka muuttaa uusiin tiloihinsa remontin valmistuessa marraskuussa 2022.
Plantagen kommer till Arninge Centrum. Växtvaruhuset öppnar en 5 000 kvm stor trädgårdsbutik med tillhörande utemarknad på 1 000 kvm i det populära handelsområdet.
Genesta has signed an agreement to acquire two high-quality logistics properties located in Örebro and Ljungby from Infrahubs. The properties were completed in 2022 and have a total lettable area of ca 49,000 square meters.
Genesta sells the historic office property Bulevardi 21 in Kamppi on behalf of its fund, GNRE Fund II, to NREP. The approximately 10,100 square meter building was acquired in December 2015 and the property has since undergone extensive refurbishment.
Genesta myy Helsingin Kampissa sijaitsevan Bulevardi 21 -toimistokiinteistön GNRE Fund II -rahastonsa puolesta NREPille. Noin 10 000 neliön kiinteistö hankittiin joulukuussa 2015. Kiinteistössä on toteutettu laaja peruskorjaus, ja toimistotilat on rakennettu uusien vuokralaisten tarpeita vastaaviksi.
Genesta acquires Portal Skøyen in central Oslo. The 23,500 sqm office property is located along the E18 highway between Skøyen and Lysaker, west of Oslo city center. The acquisition is on behalf of Genesta's fifth fund GNRE Core Plus open ended, and the sellers are Backe Eiendom Invest, Stokke Industri Eiendom and Farvatn Capital.
Genesta is expanding its logistics portfolio and has today agreed to acquire Stenvreten 8:30, a logistics property of 80,000 sqm under construction located in Enköping, 70 km west of Stockholm. It is an off-market transaction with Logistic Contractor, part of the Wästbygg Group.
Genesta is pleased to announce the acquisition of Cirkelhuset II in Køge, in greater Copenhagen, Denmark. The acquisition is Genesta’s first residential deal, and it is made on behalf of Genesta´s fifth fund, GNRE Core Plus Open-ended. The seller is CECN, owned by Ejendomsselskabet Casa Nord and CEC Group Holding.
Genesta sells the prime office property “Fab 9” on behalf of its fund, GNRE Fund II, to KanAm Grund Group.
Genesta´s project KB32 in Copenhagen has been awarded “Office Property of the year 2022” by Norhcon. "The transformation from Copenhagen's ugliest building to this simple, stylish and timeless office building - is remarkable", says the professional jury about KB32.
Genesta acquires the office property Mullvadsberget 29 located at Hornsgatan 122-130 in Stockholm. The acquisition is on behalf of Genesta's fund GNRE Fund III and the seller is Stockholmshem.
Genesta has signed a lease encompassing approximately 1,000 square meter in its landmark office property Ferring/Neroport in the Ørestad area of Copenhagen. The global medical technology company Smith+Nephew opened their new premises in December 2021 and the lease term is 7.5 years.
Genesta förlänger hyresavtalet med Filmstaden och tecknar nya på sammanlagt 4 000 kvadratmeter i kontorsfastigheten Filmstaden 23 i Råsunda, Stockholm.
You don’t come to the office just to work but also to meet others and have fun. Genesta has created a homely concept in Ruoholahti. The office building on Porkkalankatu, which has a long history, has been given a new name and a new look. Roihu amazes and delights by offering its tenants an exceptional work environment with stunning facilities.
Genesta is delighted to announce that both Fabianinkatu 9 and Bulevardi 21, in Finland’s capital Helsinki, have been awarded with BREEAM-In-Use ‘Excellent’ certifications.
Genesta is pleased to announce the expansion of its leadership team with the addition of Stefan Björklund to lead its new Nordic residential strategy. He will acquire and manage residential real estate throughout the Nordics on behalf of Genesta’s new fund, GNRE Core Plus Open-ended.
Ruoholahden ravintolatarjonta täydentyi uudella Food & Co-ravintolalla. Genestan omistamassa Roihussa sijaitseva ravintola avasi ovensa maanantaina 1.11 ja tilat kattavat noin 600 neliön ja 126 asiakaspaikan lisäksi 100 ulkoterassipaikkaa. Tiloihin tehtiin kokonaisvaltainen remontti ennen avausta.
We are pleased to announce that Genesta’s GNRE Fund II achieved 4 Stars and Green Star designation from the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) in the GRESB Real Estate Assessment.
Genesta acquires two last mile logistics properties located in Brunna Logistics Park, Stockholm. The acquisition is the first on behalf of Genesta´s fifth fund, GNRE Core Plus Open-ended.
Dollarstore öppnar 4500 kvm i Solåsen Handel
Genesta sells the property “The Block” in Solna, Stockholm to Atlasmuren.
Genesta completes the first closing of its fifth fund, GNRE Core Plus Open-ended, with commitments of 152 million euros.
Genesta har tecknat hyresavtal på 1 100 kvm med IP-rådgivningsföretaget Zacco som vid årsskiftet flyttar in i Svea Artilleri på Löjtnantsgatan 21 vid Stockholm stadion.
This is the story of KB32 in Copenhagen, a 180 meter former freight railway terminal transformed into a modern office landscape. See the full story here.
Allt fler aktörer väljer att etablera sig i Arninge Centrum, Täby kommun. Nu kan fastighetsägaren Genesta berätta att Arken Zoo öppnar hösten 2021 följt av Familjeläkarnas vårdcentral i början av 2022.
Ruoholahden Roihun vuokralaiset ovat päässet tutustumaan vastavalmistuneisiin hyvinvointitiloihin ja juuri julkaistuun hyvinvointitilojen varausjärjestelmään. Hyvinvointitilat mahdollistavat työntekijöiden itsenäisen harjoittelun ja rentoutumisen lisäksi myös viikottaiset yritysvuorot sekä -tapahtumat.
Genesta acquires the office property Ferring/Neroport located in Ørestad City, Copenhagen from Castellum. The 32,704 sqm multi-let building will be transformed to a modern and sustainable property to suit the future demand from office tenants.
Genesta sells Norra Hamnen Kubiklager located in Malmö Industrial Park, Sweden on behalf of its fund, GNRE Fund II to a fund managed by the real estate manager BentallGreenOak
Genesta Property Nordic säljer lager- och logistikfastigheten Norra Hamnen Kubiklager i Malmö på uppdrag av GNRE Fund II, till den globala fastighetsinvesteraren BentallGreenOak.
Genesta has signed a lease agreement with the world's leading food service company Compass Group for the street-level restaurant space at the Roihu property in Ruoholahti. Compass Group's premises cover approximately 600 square meters with 126 seats, in addition to 100 outdoor terrace seats. Compass Group will open the restaurant when the renovation is completed in October 2021.
We talked to Nikolai Babitzin, founder of Crossfit Bulsa, about their new facilities on Bulevardi, finding training motivation for the start of the year and the successes brought by Corona.
Check out the new photos from the renovation of The Block in Solna, Stockholm.
Unique wellness facilities will be available for the tenants of Ruoholahden Roihu. We talked to dSign Vertti Kivi & Co's interior designer Juha Rista about the project, the goals behind the concept and the future atmosphere of the space. For many companies well-being is already part of their corporate culture, and the role of functional and diverse facilities is invaluable.
Genesta on allekirjoittanut maailman johtavan ruokapalveluyrityksen Compass Groupin kanssa vuokrasopimuksen Ruoholahdessa sijaitsevan Roihu-kiinteistön katutason ravintolakokonaisuudesta. Compass Groupin tilat kattavat noin 600 neliön ja 126 asiakaspaikan lisäksi 100 ulkoterassipaikkaa. Compass Group avaa ravintolan remontin valmistuessa lokakuussa 2021.
Juttelimme Crossfit Bulsan perustajan Nikolai Babitzinin kanssa heidän uusista tiloistaan, tammikuun treenimotivaation löytämisestä ja koronavuoden tuomista onnistumisista.
Ruoholahden Roihuun valmistuu ainutlaatuiset hyvinvointitilat vuokralaisten käyttöön. Juttelimme dSign Vertti kivi & Co:n sisustusarkkitehti Juha Ristan kanssa hankkeesta, tilakonseptin tavoitteista ja tilojen tulevasta tunnelmasta. Monelle yritykselle hyvinvointi on jo osa yrityskulttuuria ja tällöin toimivien sekä monipuolisten hyvinvointitilojen rooli on korvaamaton.
Genesta har skrivit hyresavtal med en av Sveriges största gymkedjor. I början av 2022 öppnar Nordic Wellness i Arninge Centrum, Täby. Den toppmoderna träningslokalen blir på hela 3 300 kvm.
Named by GRESB for its Leadership in Sustainability
Thinking about moving? Let us help. Genesta creates unique business spaces that are carefully designed to meet your needs.
We are pleased to announce that GNRE Fund II achieved the highest possible rating of 5 Stars, from the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) in the 2020 GRESB Real Estate Assessment.
Olisiko aika muuttaa uusiin tiloihin? Anna meidän auttaa. Genesta toteuttaa ainutlaatuisia toimitiloja, joiden tilaratkaisut ja materiaalit suunnitellaan tarkasti liiketoimintatarpeitanne ja brändi-ilmettä vastaaviksi.
Bulevardi 21, which is currently being renovated, enlivens the cityscape and the western end of Bulevardi as a whole. The development of the building will enable more services and increases the comfort and functionality of the area.
Nu tar Dollarstore emot sina första kunder i Arninge Centrum. Butiken är kedjans största i Sverige.
Genesta is pleased to announce the signing of a major lease with the Finnish law firm Krogerus at Fabianinkatu 9 in central Helsinki.
Genesta allekirjoittaa vuokrasopimuksen asianajotoimisto Krogeruksen kanssa
As our OFM, Operations and Finance Manager, you will be responsible for the corporate and financial management of property companies and holding companies in the fund structure with a focus on the market in Sweden, Norway and Denmark.
Genesta har skrivit hyresavtal med en av Sveriges största gymkedjor. I slutet av året öppnar Nordic Wellness i Solåsen Handel i Jönköping.
Marja Liisa Suutarinen ja Anna Pihlajaniemi ovat osa Genestan Investment Management -tiimiä. Investment Management roolissa hallinnoidaan kiinteistökehityshankkeita - aina ostosta myyntiin. Marja Liisa kertoo, että työtehtävä vaatii kokonaisvaltaista ymmärrystä kiinteistökentästä: “Laaja osaaminen on oleellisessa roolissa, jotta voimme tuottaa sijoittajille arvoa ja vuokralaisille mahdollisimman toimivat tilat.”
We are proud to present our ESG update for 2019. Check out what our new Greenesta concept actually is and how we are progressing on our sustainability goals.
Tuomas Ahonen johtaa Genestan transaktioita Suomessa. Tämä tarkoittaa projektinhallintaa, jossa johdetaan osto- ja myyntiprosesseja. Työ vaatii ulkoisten ja sisäisten suhteiden taitavaa ylläpitämistä ja Tuomaksella onkin yli kymmenen vuoden kokemus kiinteistötransaktioista. Tuomas kertoo, että tehtävän ydin rakentuu hyvän projektinjohdon ympärille, asioiden pitää pysyä hallinnassa, jotta varmistutaan toivotusta lopputuloksesta: “Merkittävä osa työstä on eri palojen yhteensovittamista ja yhteisen päämäärän tavoittelua.”
Luovia työympäristöratkaisuja tarjoava Spaces toimii Genestan omistamassa Bulevardi 21 -kiinteistössä. Vuokralaisen ja Genestan tiivis yhteistyö on mahdollistanut ainutlaatuisen tilakokonaisuuden luomisen keskelle kauneinta Helsinkiä. Spaces kiinnittää kohteiden etsinnässä erityistä huomiota ympäristöstandardeihin.
The unique NB Trainers is opening a new gym location in Bulevardi 21 and changing its name to Crossfit Bulsa, named after the location. The new space in Bulevardi 21 offers customers an even higher quality gym at an exceptional location in the heart of Helsinki.In addition to the central location, especially the customization and tailoring services offered by Genesta gathered praise and had a large impact when choosing the new location.
NB Trainers avaa uuden toimipisteen Bulevardille myöhemmin tänä vuonna ja muuttaa muuton myötä nimensä Crossfit Bulsaksi. Uudet tilat mahdollistavat asiakkaille entistäkin laadukkaammat harjoittelutilat erinomaisella sijainnilla kaupungin ytimessä. Keskeisen sijainnin lisäksi erityisesti kiinteistönomistajan Genestan tarjoamat räätälöintimahdollisuudet keräsivät kiitosta ja vaikuttivat tilavalintaan.
Genesta has joined the Food4Heroes initiative, a platform that brings together several restaurants in Stockholm to provide daily meals to the health care and non-profit organizations in the Swedish capital.
Genesta sells Juvanmalmi Logistics Centre located in Espoo on behalf of its fund, GNRE Fund II.
Genesta säljer lager- och logistikfastigheten Juvanmalmi Logistics Centre i Espoo, utanför Helsingfors på uppdrag av Genesta Nordic Real Estate Fund II
Den här veckan startar renoveringen av The Block i Solna. Genesta har valt att samarbeta med konceptutvecklarna Whyte & Lilja för att både förhöja och förnya fastighetens arkitektoniska egenskaper.
Genesta enters into an agreement to acquire the office property Repslagaren 34 on behalf of its fund GNRE Fund III from Klara Norra Fastigheter AB. The 6,200 square meter property is centrally located in Östermalm, Stockholm.
Genesta har ingått avtal om att köpa kontorsfastigheten Repslagaren 34 i centrala Stockholm. Förvärvet görs av Genestas fond GNRE Fund III och säljare är Klara Norra Fastigheter
Genesta acquires the office property Filmstaden 23 in Solna, Stockholm on behalf of its fund GNRE Fund III from G.S.S Fastigheter AB.
Genesta köper kontorsfastigheten Filmstaden 23 i Solna, Stockholm. Förvärvet görs av Genestas fond GNRE Fund III och säljare är G.S.S Fastigheter AB.
Thank you for visiting our stand at Business Arena!
Our retail property Arninge Centrum gets dressed for the future.
Prime office property in central Copenhagen acquired by Klövern.
Genesta sells the office property Mariboes gate 13 in central Oslo.
Nu är det klart: Lågpriskedjan Dollarstore öppnar sin hittills största butik.
Solåsen Handel stärker utbudet till hemmafixaren med Trademax och Bygghemma.
Två högprofilerade butikskedjor satsar stort i Arninge Centrum: Hööks etablerar nytt – Jula flyttar till större.
Even though you have a strong idea of what you want, finding the new right office premises can be really difficult. Get ready, in a couple of weeks we will open the doors for you!
Reaches 4 Stars in GRESB Real Estate Assesment
New bike parking at Norra Hamnen Kubiklager paving the way to an environmental friendly commute to work.
“We're expecting to start producing our own green and renewable electricity in September. We are very excited about this project and are already exploring where to do our next renewable energy project”, says Hanna-Maija Tikka, Genesta´s Sustainability Manager.
Genesta Secures 334 Million Euros in First Closing for Third Value Add Fund. Genesta completes the first closing of its third value add fund in the amount of 334 million euros. The commitments have been secured from eight investors from its predecessor fund. The closing follows the successful completion of the investment period for the predecessor fund GNRE Fund II, which is expected to significantly exceed its return target. To date GNRE II has completed two divestments with an average net IRR in excess of 30%.
2018 was an eventful year for Genesta. In our Environmental Social and Governance Update we’ve compiled our overall strategic work and achievements during 2018.
Genesta divests its holding in the CBD office property Dronning Mauds gate 15 on behalf of Genesta Nordic Real Estate Fund II (GNRE Fund II) to Carnegie Norway who has acquired the property on behalf of Nordea Liv.
Genesta sells the office property Antinkatu 1 on behalf of Genesta Nordic Real Estate Fund II (GNRE Fund II) to Schroder Nordic Real Estate Fund.
Genesta acquires the newly built 19,600 sqm logistics property Verkö 4 in Malmö on behalf of its fund GNRE Fund II from Skanska Fastigheter.Located in the heart of Malmö Industrial Park, the property is situated close to the highways E4 and E20, the Copenhagen and Malmö harbour and Kastrup Airport. The property is let to Copenhagen Malmö Port AB and Stena Retail & Food Services in Sweden AB. […]
Genesta signs a lease with Danish Law Firm Poul Schmidt (“Kammeradvokaten”) at Kalvebod Brygge 32 in Copenhagen. The 28,700 sqm former freight terminal is now fully let and will host three blue chip tenants.
Genesta has acquired the landmark office property Porkkalankatu 3 located in Ruoholahti, Helsinki from Niam.
Genesta expands its range of funds to also include a core+ strategy. The new fund GNRE Core Plus had its first close in June 2018 and has simultaneously acquired assets in Sweden to a combined value exceeding EUR 100 million out of a total investment capacity of approximately EUR 700 million.
Genesta's New EUR 700 million Core Plus Fund Acquires Styckjunkaren 3 in Solna, Stockholm
Genesta has, on behalf of its newly established fund, GNRE Core Plus, in an off-market transaction acquired the properties Överblicken 2, 6 and 9 totaling 35,200 sqm of the retail park Solåsen in Jönköping from Skandia Fastigheter.
Genesta has entered into a sale and purchase agreement to acquire the office properties Svea Artilleri 10 & 11 totaling 12,800 sqm on behalf of Genesta Nordic Real Estate Fund II (GNRE Fund II) from AFA Fastigheter.
Genesta has on behalf of Genesta Nordic Real Estate Fund II (GNRE Fund II) acquired the 30,000 m2 office building Kalvebod brygge 32 from DSB (the Danish State Railways).
Genesta acquires the 66,680 sqm logistics property Juvan Teollisuuskatu 25, Espoo, on the behalf of its fund GNRE Fund II. The seller is a fund managed by J.P. Morgan Asset Management.
Genesta has on behalf of Genesta Nordic Real Estate Fund II (GNRE Fund II) acquired Arninge Centrum from Unibail-Rodamco. The 20,300 sqm retail property is strategically located in the expanding municipality of Täby, 15 km north of Stockholm city center.
Genesta’s value add funds outperformed their GRESB Benchmark (Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark) and received GRESB Green Star status.
Genesta has on behalf of Genesta Nordic Real Estate Fund II (GNRE Fund II) acquired the 14,000 m2 office building Mariboes gate 13 in Oslo from T. Klaveness Eiendom AS. The purchase price is EUR 59 million.
Genesta is pleased to announce that Marc Cameras will be joining as a senior analyst in the transaction team based in Stockholm.
Genesta has divested Grensen 5-7, a retail and office property in Oslo, on behalf of its managed fund Genesta Nordic Baltic Real Estate (GNBRE), for about NOK 630 million. The purchaser is European Property Investors Special Opportunities 3 (EPISO 3), a fund advised by pan-European real estate investment manager Tristan Capital Partners.
We are pleased announce the hiring of Helena Brejke as the Human Resources Manager.
Genesta is pleased to announce the sale of the retail center Liila in Espoo, Helsinki on behalf of GNBRE (Genesta Nordic Baltic Real Estate). The property was acquired by eQ Finnish Real Estate.
Genesta is pleased to announce the sale of the office property Atomitie 5 located in Helsinki on behalf of Genesta’s fund GNBRE (Genesta Nordic Baltic Real Estate). The property was acquired by Areim Fund III.
Come see how 1920’s classic Nordic architecture has translated into a fabulously modern showroom interior.
Founded by Swedish advertising agency Anderson & Lembke in 1978, MicroMedia continues to support B2B sales organizations with a renewed service profile.
Genesta acquires the 11,200 sqm landmark office property Hämeentie 11 located in Sörnainen, Helsinki on behalf of its fund GNRE Fund II.
Genesta is pleased to announce the sale of the 140,000 m2 Haxlog logistics site to the logistics company DSV.
Genesta is pleased to announce the signing of a major lease with the real estate advisor Malling & Co in DMG 15 (Dronning Mauds gate 15), Oslo.
Genesta is delighted to announce that Thomas Käll will be joining as senior project leader in the transaction team.
Genesta is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement to sell Värmdö Marknad, a 25,000 sqm retail park located in the eastern part of Greater Stockholm, on behalf of its fund GNBRE. The buyer is the Swedish occupational pensions company Alecta.
Genesta will relocate to new offices in the center of Helsinki on the October 6th, 2016. The company’s new address in Finland will be Erottajankatu 7 A, 00130 Helsinki. Phone numbers will not be effected by the move.
Genesta Property Nordic has signed a new lease for the top-floor premises at Bulevardi 21 with the Finnish software company Nosto Solutions Oy.
Genesta’s first fund GNBRE (Genesta Nordic Baltic Real Estate) has achieved a Green Star rating by GRESB (The Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark) for the second year in a row.
MONDAY 12.09.2016 Genesta is pleased to announce the signing of a new lease with Baltic Transline Logistics at Kaunas Logistics Terminal in Kaunas, Lithuania.
Genesta acquires the office property Fabianinkatu 9 on the fringe of the Helsinki CBD from Metso Oyj on behalf of its fund GNRE Fund II. The purchase price for the 8,000 sqm property is EUR 19.6 million.
Genesta has on behalf of Genesta Nordic Real Estate Fund II (GNRE Fund II) acquired the office property Dronning Mauds gate 15 in Oslo CBD from Eksportfinans ASA.
Genesta has executed a major new lease with City Gross, a leading Swedish grocery chain, for 5,500 m2 of retail space at the Värmdö Marknad shopping center.
Genesta is pleased to announce that, on behalf of Genesta Nordic Baltic Real Estate Fund I (GNBRE), it has divested the office property Vilhonvuorenkatu 11 located in Helsinki.
LaSalle Investment Management (“LaSalle”), a leading global real estate investment manager, today announced that it has signed two new leases at its 17,483 square metre retail park property in Sollentuna, just outside Stockholm.
Aviva Investors and Genesta are pleased to announce the execution of a major new, 10-year lease for some 4,500 sqm. of combined storage space, office premises and staff quarters at Manttaalitie 5-7, part of the Manttaalitie logistics centre.
Genesta is pleased to announce the appointment of Karin Koks-Van der Sluijs as non-executive board member to Genesta Nordic Capital Fund Management.
Genesta’s first fund has achieved a Green Star rating by GRESB, the global real estate sustainability & corporate social responsibility (CSR) benchmarking organization.
Henrik Bastman has joined Genesta as head of transactions. He will be responsible for acquisitions and sales across all markets where Genesta has a presence.
Genesta’s new fund, Genesta Nordic Real Estate Fund II (GNRE Fund II), has acquired two prime office property assets, Antinkatu 1 and Bulevardi 21, in the city center of Helsinki from Senate Properties. The total purchase price of the assets is EUR 36.3 million.
Genesta announces the first closing of its new fund – Genesta Nordic Real Estate Fund II. The fund has secured commitments of EUR 152 million from four institutional investors. Genesta is the first manager in the Nordics to be approved as an AIFM.
Genesta has divested Hornafjord 1, a 23,000 square meter office building situated in Kista, on behalf of its managed fund GNBRE.
Genesta’s fund, GNBRE (Genesta Nordic Baltic Real Estate), executes its second divestment by selling Gustavsbergs Centrum to Nordika Fastigheter.
LaSalle Investment Management (‘LaSalle’) and Aviva Investors are pleased to announce the divestment of an office property in Sweden from their Pan-European open-ended fund.
Genesta Nordic Baltic Real Estate (GNBRE) has completed the divestment of the properties Karl Johans gate 14 and Kirkegate 23-25 in Oslo to a subsidiary of AVA EiendomsPartner AS for a net acquisition price of 755 million NOK.
Genesta is pleased to announce that it has secured a lease with Huawei for approx. 4000 sq m of the Hornafjord 1 office building in Kista, Stockholm.
Genesta is pleased to announce the appointment of Gunnar Mässing as Senior Retail Advisor at our Retail Team and Niclas Forsman who joins our Transaction Team as an Associate. Both appointments are at our Stockholm office.
Aviva Investors and LaSalle Investment Management (“LaSalle”) are pleased to announce their first retail acquisition in Sweden. The retail property Stansen 1 was purchased in Häggvik, north of Stockholm from UBS (D) 3Sector Real Estate Europe fund.
Genesta is the first Nordic focused real estate fund manager to be accepted for its AIFM. As an AIFM in the real estate sector, Genesta will be able to raise equity in all European countries and manage non-listed real estate funds.
Genesta is delighted to announce that its building at Vilhonvuori 11, in Finland’s capital Helsinki, has been awarded a BREEAM-In-Use ‘Good’ level both in terms of asset and management.
Genesta is delighted to announce that its building at Vilhonvuori 11, in Finland’s capital Helsinki, has been awarded a BREEAM-In-Use ‘Good’ level both in terms of asset and management.
Genesta is delighted to announce that its building at Vilhonvuori 11, in Finland’s capital Helsinki, has been awarded a BREEAM-In-Use ‘Good’ level both in terms of asset and management.